When you have your own hosting server, virtual or dedicated, you'll be able to start your own hosting reseller business and to get good money in a niche that grows each and every year. With the growing necessity for websites, you'll need just 3 things to start - a server; a payment application, which is the connection between your e-store and the web hosting space; and an account with a payment processor, that will allow you to accept online transactions. While there're ready-made reseller programs out there, the use of your own server will give you more control over the software environment. The ability to install server-side software, for instance, gives you an advantage over rivals and means more pleased customers. When you use a standard reseller program, the accounts are created on a shared server, so no software can be installed and, because of this, some sites may not operate correctly. Running your own reseller business provides you with the option to make a profit, while you may still use the server for your personal sites too.